It only took 10 months but it finally rides!!!
First, props to Nick. That dude is a damn genius when it comes to all things mechanical. If it in any way uses some sort of incendiary reaction to create forward motion he can fix it. He’s like rainman around engines and in this case hydraulic systems. He came over last night in the middle of a storm (did you know there’s a tropical storm in the gulf? Edouard or something like that). Well Nick did some tricks, flipped over a little flap thing, gave the bleeder valve a blow job, and next thing you know I’ve gotta clutch!

So, I’m an inexperienced rider, it’s dark, it’s raining, wind is gusting around 30 mph, my tires are bad…do you think I waited until morning to ride this thing??? It rides nice, pulls real good around 4Krpm, so I was shifting around 3500 and didn’t go any higher than 50mph. Nick said he got it over 60mph but he’s crazy and he hasn’t seen these tires in the daylight.
